1. White Paper on Sport in Japan
This paper on Japanese sports providing a detailed data-based analysis of the present state of sports in Japan. This is an essential resource for people engaged in sports, written and analyzed by more than 70 researchers and practitioners based on the latest data from Japan and overseas. It covers a variety of subjects like Japan’s sports policy, the sports industry, regional revitalization, international development through sports, etc.
English version of White Paper on Sport in Japan 2020 consists of the following chapters.
- Sports Policy
- Sport Participation
- Disability Sport
- Human Resources for Sports
- Sports Clubs
- High Performance Sport
You can download from here: https://www.ssf.or.jp/en/files/swp2020_eng.pdf
2. Sports Life-Data in Japan
In order to understand the levels of participation in sports and physical activities by Japanese, SSF has examined the statistical data gathered through the “SSF National Sports-Life Survey”, which has been conducted every other year since 1992.
What impacts has the COVID-19 pandemic had on sports and physical activities, sports spectating, and sports volunteering? What is the current situation regarding sufficient physical activities for health and the amount of time spent being sedentary (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire: GPAQ)?
You can download from here: https://www.ssf.or.jp/en/files/sld2022_e.pdf
Key points of the survey results
- 72.9% of people who participated in sports and physical activities at least once in 2022, which remains unchanged from the previous 2020 survey at 73.3%.
- 19.3% of people who attended a live sporting event at the stadium or arena in 2022, which was the lowest percentage since the first survey of this item in 1994.
- 4.2% of people who participated in sports volunteering in 2022, which was the lowest level since the first survey of this item in 1994.
- GPAQ: 53.6% of people who met the WHO recommendations on physical activities for health (60.7% of males; 46.4% of females).
- Annual changes in sports and physical activities
- Levels of sports and physical activities
- Types of sports and physical activities
- Sports clubs
- Sports spectating
- Sports volunteering
- Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ)
Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF) and Contact details
The Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF) is Japan’s only sports-oriented think tank. SSF is led by a dedicated group of data scientists, researchers, and sports enthusiasts who are committed to improving health and increasing longevity. SSF is supported by the Nippon Foundation. Upon request, SSF will provide raw data (including cross-tabulation results, text in Japanese) from every National Sports-Life Survey taken to date.